"Coming Thru"
Katie McConnachie was lead artist on the Wyland Marine Mural on the island of Grenada. The project was funded by the WSPA (World Society for the Protection of Animals) under the auspices of ABITPC (Antigua Barbuda Independent Tourism Promotion Corporation) headed by Martha Watkins Gilkes, in conjunction with two Grenadian organizations. The Grenada Fund for Conservation Inc. (GFC) and YWF-Kido Foundation Inc., which have a long history of working to raise public awareness and promote conservation of both local and Trans-boundary natural resources. And funded by. World society for protection of animals (WSPA) .
In 2013 she was inducted into the “Ocean Artist’s Society” founded by Guy Harvey, Wyland and Bob Talbot.

"3 Nautilus"
" Nautilus"
